NOTE: Cache Up NB has ceased operations as of October 1st, 2022. All content on this site remains for archive purposes only.

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Thank You Tetagoucher

If you’re reading this news item, then odds are you 1) Are a regular visitor and see the new items on a regular basis 2) Pop on from time to time and see what’s new 3) Saw the post on Twitter or Facebook and decided to check it out or 4) This is the very first time you’ve ever been to Cache Up NB.

Regardless of how you ended up here, you did. You came here because something about what you see on this site strikes an interest to you and therefore you made it to the pages of Cache Up NB.

Now, over the course of the time we have been active, I have tried very hard to insure that we have active and new content. I will admit that the site has had some short comings but I would like to think that folks who come here come because they like what they read, and they like interacting with the community that has grown from here.

When you put up a website and people start coming to it, it tends to be a thankless job. Thankfully for those you come here that is not the case. I have had a great many people thank myself, and other geocachers for helping to keep Cache Up NB alive. I also find reward by the fact that the site has grown enough that I find myself not having to write the bulk of what gets written here. It’s good to see a lot more news and items coming from the viewers. It doesn’t however stop me from writing my own as writing is something I love to do.

However, the whole point of this post was to extend a very sincere thank you to Tetagoucher. Tetagoucher has been a very active supporter of Cache Up NB. I may not have always agreed with some of his viewpoints regarding topics that I prefer to keep off of Cache Up NB, but I can still respect his opinion and appreciate his efforts.

I decided to acknowledge him publicly on here because of an email I received this morning. When I went into work and checked my personal email, I was incredibly surprised to find that a “Notification of donation” email had been sent to me by Paypal.

For those who haven’t noticed, I had placed a “Donate” button at the bottom of the site as a way for folks who want to contribute financially to Cache Up NB. I placed it on the bottom because at the end of the day, donations are appreciated, but I don’t ever want it to seem like I have my hand out and am begging for money. As long as I continue to enjoy doing the work I do with Cache Up NB, I will continue doing it. Donations are always welcome as that money will go towards Cache Up NB related events and activities.

Tetagoucher is the first person who has ever donated money to this website and I wanted to take the time to sincerely thank him for his support.

So again, thank you Tetagoucher for your support.



I am Zor. The creator of protoculture. Otherwise known as a geeky father of two, husband to an awesome wife, and a hardcore geek.

5 thoughts on “Thank You Tetagoucher

  • Oh, and Tetagoucher, if I ever get the time to figure it out, I’ll make your name a different color in the Scribbles 😉

  • Thanks Zor, orange will look nice 😉

    We give money to geocaching each year so that they can have their way with us… Then we give even more money to programs to get caches in our GPS… And even more to use other gadget such as cell phones to make geocaching more enjoyable but on most days they just frustrate us.

    A little bit towards a site that gives us joy seems to me like money well spent…

    • Wow that really makes sense Tetagoucher….lol. I suppose we all should feel guilty about this and donate as well :p

  • Nice gesture, didn’t even notice the donate button. You wouldn’t be going overboard putting the donate button at the top of the sidebar, it’s normal for most websites to do so. Donate = Optionally so no reason to feel guilty. Just donated myself ^_^ Not much, but hope it helps.

  • Just as an FYI, both of your donations were put towards the web hosting fees I pay on a monthly basis, plus towards some prizes that will get handed out at future events. Thanks again.

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