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COAP Feedback

I’ve had quite a few folks ask about the Come Out & Play Contest for 2012-2013 and just wanted to let you know that we haven’t forgotten about it! As some of you may know we’re part of the organizing committee for the Maritime Mega for next July and that’s been taking up a lot of our time. We are working on the contest, too, however, and have received some wonderful feedback from last year’s players. There will be some changes this year (for the better, in our opinion) but the basic format will stay the same.

One thing we could use a bit of help with is the tasks. We try to give you some new ones each year and would appreciate your input. Any ideas for some new tasks? They can be for fixed point scores or Difficulty/Terrain based scores. Post them here as comments or send us an email at We will take them all into consideration but, for various reasons, may not be able to use them all.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Gwen & Terry



We're milosheart, also known as Gwen & Terry LeBlanc. We're from Fredericton and have been involved with geocaching since March 2008. When we started caching we each had our own accounts/names. He was Frogger57 and I was milosheart. milo is a nickname of Terry's (from a song he messed up the words to) and, well, I'm his heart (we're still on our honeymoon, 6 yrs on). He logged his first 19 caches then gave up. He loves to go caching, loves the driving, travelling, meeting fellow cachers, searching and finding but could care less about the logging, planning, numbers, etc. He doesn't know how to use the GPS and has no desire to learn, doesn't have a clue what GSAK is, nor care. I love him more for just going with me, blindly sometimes! LOL So we just continued on using my original account and became team milosheart. We cache here in Freddy Beach, Moncton (Terry's hometown), Saint John (my sister and fellow cacher, eebee, lives there) and just about anywhere else we go. Yes, we are addicted. Happily.

7 thoughts on “COAP Feedback

  • Good Luck and thank you for all you two do for the caching community.

    MArielle & PAul

  • Just remember to keep it easy enough to allow everyone a chance to complete otherwise you just end up with the hardcore competitive players finishing and the rest feeling overwhelmed.

  • Will do, Rev. We always try to keep in mind that lots of families and BIG kids play! Some of the more difficult tasks, when completed by the hardcore folks, may even benefit all those players who just play for fun. 🙂

  • Look at the other side though Rev, if you don’t keep upping some of the challenges then you lose the hardcores as well. From what I can see we may or may not see some different names in the running. Sooner or later the local caches that qualifies for more points gets gobbled up in previous years or through out the summer leaving less available locally to achieve high scores.

    I’ll be really curious to see what the challenges will be and seeing some of the suggested ideas that have been put forth if any or very many of them get picked the door has opened up for several players that think they can score the most. Or those hardcores will get a new name and a room with some padded walls.

    But to add that others ideas suggested from what I saw will continue the those playing for the fun of it. IMO

    Still amazed me how everyone plays it different, never even considered going for a zero score but loved seeing those that accomplished it and more

  • For me it is just a reason to get out and go caching when I might otherwise sooner stay in the nice warn house. After going for high score one year and then for zero last year. I have to wonder what to do this year. I am not interested in competing as much as I am for just setting a goal for myself. I enjoyed going for zero much more than going for high score. No pressure, just fun….

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