NOTE: Cache Up NB has ceased operations as of October 1st, 2022. All content on this site remains for archive purposes only.

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Come Out & Play 2011-2012

It’s that time of year again; when we brace ourselves for the long winter season in NB. We dig out the scarves, mitts and long-johns. We check to see if our winter jackets still fit or have found their last cache and need to be replaced. We turn the heat up and get the firewood ready. The lucky ones make their plans to head south!

It’s also time to Come Out & Play. We’re having another contest/game to help get us out caching during the winter months. It will officially start November 19th but, as requested in last year’s feedback, we’re posting the rules and tasks now to give you all an opportunity (10 days) to ask questions, get clarifications or to strategize. You can find the complete rules/tasks here  (French version here ) or by clicking on the Come Out & Play banner at the top of the Cache Up NB main page. We are working on the French version and it will be available by the 19th, if not before.

We’ve made some changes from last year, again based on player feedback.

  • There is an equal focus on hiding caches this year – and we take this opportunity to stress the importance of good quality containers and caches (it’s not a prerequisite for all tasks but it is strongly suggested that they be winter friendly)
  • There is no deadline for registering
  • You now have 10 days to submit your claims
  • Caches hidden during the contest are eligible to be found and claimed, providing you were not with the hider when they were hidden
  • Each player will have one “mulligan” or do-over where they may re-do a task already claimed

You may register any time but claims will not be accepted before the official start date, Nov 19th, and may not be made on caches found or hidden prior to the 19th.

We’re holding launch events in Fredericton (GC363MV), Moncton (GC368E7), Saint John (GC35XFH), Bathurst (GC35WZ8) and St. Stephen (GC363K5) on Nov 19th and 20th and hope you’ll be able to attend the one in your area.

If you have any questions about the rules or tasks or need clarification on something please post a comment here or send us an email at

We hope you’ll Come Out & Play!

Gwen & Terry (milosheart)





We're milosheart, also known as Gwen & Terry LeBlanc. We're from Fredericton and have been involved with geocaching since March 2008. When we started caching we each had our own accounts/names. He was Frogger57 and I was milosheart. milo is a nickname of Terry's (from a song he messed up the words to) and, well, I'm his heart (we're still on our honeymoon, 6 yrs on). He logged his first 19 caches then gave up. He loves to go caching, loves the driving, travelling, meeting fellow cachers, searching and finding but could care less about the logging, planning, numbers, etc. He doesn't know how to use the GPS and has no desire to learn, doesn't have a clue what GSAK is, nor care. I love him more for just going with me, blindly sometimes! LOL So we just continued on using my original account and became team milosheart. We cache here in Freddy Beach, Moncton (Terry's hometown), Saint John (my sister and fellow cacher, eebee, lives there) and just about anywhere else we go. Yes, we are addicted. Happily.

55 thoughts on “Come Out & Play 2011-2012

  • I didn’t participate last year, but I think I may this year. Still haven’t reviewed all the options yet.

  • I would also like to add that we’re going to try something else new here on CUNB for the contest. All of the claim submissions are handled electronically like last year. This year however, every time a new claim is made, our “live” ticker will be updated to show the claim.

    This makes it a bit more “live” so other players can see what others are doing for some of their tasks. We will not be divulging any points but merely the player, their claim, and the GC code of the cache they are using in their claim.

    If the majority of players are not keen on having their name in this type of live feed, we can use a generic term instead of a player specific name. I do however think it’s neat to include the player’s name as it might inspire other players to try out different caches they may not have thought about.

    Feel free to add your feedback about this on this post or the main contest page.

    • I think it makes FAR more sense NOT to link a name (or cache) to the ticker, as that makes it so a careful observer can identify the scores of all other players, and pick their caches (and tasks) accordingly to win. I DO, however, really like the idea of a ticker saying which tasks have been done, and how often.

      • Though, if it’s just on the ticker at the top… perhaps it can be displayed there briefly (like half an hour or so) and then not be there any more? Just someway to keep everyone from being able to see scores as the game progresses. Changes strategies if we can determine everyone’s score from keeping an eye on the page is all.

        • Can’t have it expire, but I could do something like…

          “Someone just claimed ‘Seriesly’ on GC123456”

          Or even put the point value in with no name

          “A claim for ‘We’ve got you covered’ just came in for 10 points”

          It’s a possibility but not quite as interactive as having a cachers name in it. Thoughts?

          • I am not going to see all the updates scroll by and definitely not going to try to keep everyone’s score. I think that would be just about impossible for anyone to do so. I really think it is cool how ever you do it, it will be a constant reminder to get out and play!

          • I’m going with the “A claim on “17. Host(ess)With the Most(ess) ” has been submitted on GCXYZ123 for 918 points.” type of layout.

            It gives enough information about what has transpired but still keeps the mystery of who is making the claims. We’ll see how it plays out this year and take note from the results.

    • Hmm, yes I like the idea, it will show how “active” the contest is. As for keeping track of scores, they are not put there, Right? But if you really want to follow you competition, you can go on the persons profile and keep tabs that way, even if the claims are not posted. Although I think would take a lot of time and effort. My 5 cents worth 🙂

  • The most important line in the Rules section “We trust that all will play with integrity and honour.” We are all adults and it is a silly little contest made to be fun and encourage us to get out and geocache in the winter. I have no intention of winning and I realize that some do, so I have no problem with people asking for clarification or pointing out any loopholes but again if the above quote is followed by all it will all work out fine. Now that my stupid streak is over I may actually be able to get more than 9 task done this year.

  • There is something for everyone in this, the serious people (max score, low score) and the people who do it for fun.

    I’ll be in again for the fun. I just love geocaching and this contest will give me that little extra motivation I might need to go outside and get some caching done during the cold winter months. I love the aspect of beeing able to hide because it’s hard to get new caches done when the closest ones are hours away. I came a bit shy last year so I’ll make sure to snag as much as I can early in the contest.

    Thanks for having this contest again Gwen and Terry and thanks to Zor for hosting it here.

  • Now, I consider myself part of the second wave of cachers, the group that did not get into the sport in the early 2000s, but mid-late 2000s, and we continue, and welcome to learn from the veteran founding cachers in the area.
    I think we should certainly focus on the positive of this initiative, and I applaud all organizers involved.
    The contest can me fun, competitive, relaxing, or any combination thereof. It’s how you want to experience it. The contest, and caching by extention, is no different than Golf. Both are based on the honor system, and rely on the honesty of participants. When you count your strokes on each hole, you do it with pride and honesty. You only compete vs yourself. All golfers know that if they cheat, they only cheat themselves. No doubt this contest is similarily built on the same principles. Everyone in the Golfing community trusts and respects each other, and we should do the same. To look at it in any other way borders on paranoia.
    I for one, look forward to placing, hiding, and seeking out as many caches as will be fun. I plan on having a great time, period. I totaly won’t care what others will do. Except for paying attention to what caches others are finding, I may learn from that too.

    • Actually most geocaching activities are based on honesty.

      We take everyone’s word for their finds, streaks, etc.

  • I have pulled the plug on the previous sets of comments. Anyone who knows me knows this happens RARELY. In fact, I’ve never deleted that many comments before.

    I’m all for active debate but this is not the place for the type of communication that was going on here. Take your issues elsewhere. CUNB is not the place for it.

    Those who have legitimate questions about the contest may post their questions here or on the official page.

    If you have issues with my pulling of said comments, email me directly and keep it off the comments.

    • I want people to understand that Zor did not censor the discussion on his own; I specifically requested to him that all my comments be removed. Please do not blame him. The personal insults thrown my way made me feel unwelcome.

      I feel that I should make an apology. I did not intend for my comments to be construed in such a negative fashion. It is very difficult to convey thoughts online in a manner that doesn’t offend someone. Unlike Pa and Gwen, without admin rights, I also had no ability to re-think, re-edit, or delete any comments I made once I had the benefit of time and clarity. Zor allowed me to do that when I requested it, and I thank him for that.

      As for the challenge itself, many issues that I had last year were resolved or answered; some were not. I publicly apologized when I was out of line last year, but did not receive the same courtesy in return. That is life. I had a lot of fun on caching runs with coopsquared as he made his way to the top spot of the challenge last year. And I was looking forward to participating in the challenge this year. But that is neither here nor there. As much as I wanted to participate, the way the discussion evolved has meant that I will not be doing so.

      • I also wish to apologize.

        It is clear to me that my comments are what caused the discussion to get out of hand. I am sorry for that. It certainly was not my intention to insult anyone.

        I guess I wrote up my comments too quickly and in an inappropriate manner. And as you mention, I was later able to delete my comments but others were not able to do so.


        • I also apologize for my involement in this incident. It was not my intent to offend anyone.

          The contest is my focus on here and everyone is welcome to participate in it.

  • For all it’s worth, we are really looking forward to this. We just heard of the contest this year. It sounds like a great way to spice up the winter a little! Maybe next year we’ll want to be more competitive; for now, we just want to be part of the game and (try to) complete all 20 tasks!

  • Can’t wait for the contest, have had a quick look at the task and see quite a few old ones back but a lot of new interesting ones as well… Gotta start planning my attack plan. Great job to Gwen, Terry (and Zor for hosting), without you guys the winters wouldn’t be as fun!!

  • The typo on task #32 will be corrected in the revised edition. The number 67 in the example given should be a 69 (when added up equal 69).

  • I just have to ask what was the thought proses behind having challenges where finding caches or hiding caches in one day are not the same number? Not that it’s an issue to me in any way but I just had to ask 🙂

    • Tetagoucher, it’s been our experience that hiding a cache is generally more difficult than finding one (assuming you’re comparing 2 similar caches!). Over and above the travel to get to a find or hide, hiding usually involves preparing the container, scouting out the spot, hiding it and obtaining the co-ordinates and creating the cache page. It also can take a fair amount more time and work; not to mention the monetary coast of the container, logs, pencils, and swag.

      We didn’t want to double the number of tasks by having the “find” and “hide” tasks completely separate so we came up with the compromise of what we felt were fair comparisons. 🙂

  • Can’t wait to get going, been saving up all my ambition for the winter, the cold, cold winter. Good luck to all and hope to see many on the trails!!

  • A few clarifications made from discussions on the FB group:

    1. Task # 41 will now read, “Hide two fantastically creative traditional or multi micro caches……”
    2. Task # 42 will now read, “Hide two fantastically creative traditional or multi small or regular caches……”
    3. Task # 43 will now read, “Hide two fantastically creative puzzle/unknown/mystery caches……”. This will include, singles, multis and any other type of cache which would use the “?” icon.
    4. We were asked about Wherigo caches. We had thought of doing a Wherigo task but because they are notorious for problems and because you need specific equipment (certain GPSs) to hide or find them we felt it limited who would be able to do them.

  • I’ve started to change some of the attributes on my caches to promote some finds during this contest. Might even change my premium member cache to a basic member cache 🙂

  • #35 “Find, in a single day, a cemetery cache, a covered bridge cache and a waterfall cache. The cache description for the caches you find and claim must state that the cache is hidden at/on/under/beside or near the cemetery, covered bridge and waterfall.”

    If I understand correctly the tittle of the cache will not work? Such as Tetagouche Falls, if it does not state anything in the description.

    On another note I changed the description for my covered bridges and cemetery caches. I also recently archived some covered bridge caches in Sussex if anyone is looking for some 🙂

    • Thanks for pointing that out, Tetagoucher. 🙂

      Task # 35 will now read, “Find, in a single day, a cemetery cache, a covered bridge cache and a waterfall cache. The caches’ names or descriptions must make it clear that they are hidden at/on/under/beside or near the cemetery, waterfall or covered bridge.”

      So a cache called Tetagouche Falls would be fine but one that doesn’t use the words “waterfall, cemetery or covered bridge” in its title must state it in the description. That’s the only way we can verify the task.

  • Would it be frowned upon to use a cache we have previously found to claim a task if we go and find it again and remove the old found log?

    • LOL Nice try. Part of rule # 4 states, “Each task must be claimed against a cache previously unfound by you and only one task may be claimed per cache found.”

      So, does this mean you’re going to play this year?? You should. 🙂

      • Optimistically I’m looking at a minimum of 476 point just for hiding 62 caches and finding 10 others, should be pretty simple 🙂

  • Gwen, Question about # 41. Good Things Come in Small Packages = 35 or -35 points outright, your choice. Hide two fantastically creative traditional micro caches.

    Could you also hide a nano for that task ? (I love nanos in the woods 😉 )

    • Since there isn’t really a size called “nano” to choose from, I’d wager the answer to that is yes. After all, anything the size of a film canister or smaller is defined as a micro.

      Until they update the sizes to choose from, that is. :p

  • #35. “Another _____ I Never Knew Was There (also known as Sporty’s Trifecta) = 35 or -35 points outright (your choice) Find, in a single day, a cemetery cache, a covered bridge cache and a waterfall cache.”

    Since this is a 35 point task could it also be a hiding one like the others? Hide a cemetery, covered bridge and waterfall in a single day. Nearly impossible but would still make a good challenge.

  • I don’t see why not, Tetagoucher. We also thought it would be too difficult so didn’t initially include it but if anyone could do it, it would be you! And as there would be no point difference or advantage over the finding part of the task I see no problem.

    Task # 35 will now read, ” Find or hide, in a single day……”.

    • And there are none from the list I contacted up North that wanted to be in :). Should be a great turnout in my opinion.

  • avatar movethisway

    Two questions – can you let your score go below zero? and I have some priozes you might like, how do I get them to you?

    • Movethisway, yes, your score may go below zero. We have several tasks where you may choose a negative amount of points so we suspect some players will be below zero.

      We would greatly appreciate any prize donations for the contest. I believe you work downtown? I’m at River Valley Footwear on Queen, just drop in any time or send me an email to make other arrangements ( Thank you!

  • I’m not sure if this was addressed before, but can hiding of a single cache count towards more than a single task? Like if you hid a series of 10 caches, all in a single day, and some of which were kid friendly or had the UV attribute. Can those be claimed multiple times?

    • No, sorry Zor. Only one task per cache. See rule # 4 “….and only one task may be claimed per cache found.” Revised rule will also state “per cache hidden”.

      • Does that mean that for task 44, find 50 caches in a month, none of the 50 can be claimed for another task?

          • and when would we submit that? 10 days after the end of the calendar month?

          • Treehugger, you can submit it within 10 days of your 50th find or within 10 days of the calendar month, which ever you want. We’re not going to be too fussy about it. 🙂

  • WE will be at the Moncton event on Saturday.

    I will bring more than 75 small tobacco containers with me’

    I promised 25 of them to a cacher who needs to hide a series of caches. The rest are available for anyone who wants them. And I still have more of them here at home.

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