NOTE: Cache Up NB has ceased operations as of October 1st, 2022. All content on this site remains for archive purposes only.

EventsFrederictonGeocaching EventsNews

Have YOU heard??


For those few who haven’t heard, we’re having a Mega event!!

Maritime Mega II – Caching the Capital (GC3QME4) will be held in Fredericton on Saturday, July 20th, 2013. It is the first Mega Event (500 people or more) held in New Brunswick and we, the MM2 Organizing Committee, are very excited to be hosting.

We will be having satellite events starting Thursday, July 18th so you may want to plan ahead and come early. Try your hand at Funky Bowling, take a kayak or canoe trip down the St. John River, spend the morning at Clay Café painting your own artwork or have a blast lazily tubing down the Nashwaak River. We’ll be having a complimentary BBQ (donations will be accepted for the Community Kitchen) and a free concert in Officers’ Square….lots to do and see before the big day.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to pre-register by May 20th to secure your personalized nametag and lanyard, event bracelet, swag bag, event geocoin and t-shirt. By pre-registering you may also purchase the boxed lunch and/or buffet supper we will have on-site at the event and attend all the workshops and games. While you may attend the event for free, why miss out on all the goodies, fun and prizes?

Click on the MM2 banner at the top of the CUNB news feed or the logo on this post for more info, both will take you to our website

We hope to see you in Freddy in July!



We're milosheart, also known as Gwen & Terry LeBlanc. We're from Fredericton and have been involved with geocaching since March 2008. When we started caching we each had our own accounts/names. He was Frogger57 and I was milosheart. milo is a nickname of Terry's (from a song he messed up the words to) and, well, I'm his heart (we're still on our honeymoon, 6 yrs on). He logged his first 19 caches then gave up. He loves to go caching, loves the driving, travelling, meeting fellow cachers, searching and finding but could care less about the logging, planning, numbers, etc. He doesn't know how to use the GPS and has no desire to learn, doesn't have a clue what GSAK is, nor care. I love him more for just going with me, blindly sometimes! LOL So we just continued on using my original account and became team milosheart. We cache here in Freddy Beach, Moncton (Terry's hometown), Saint John (my sister and fellow cacher, eebee, lives there) and just about anywhere else we go. Yes, we are addicted. Happily.

6 thoughts on “Have YOU heard??

  • I am almost ready for this awesome event. I started caching last September and heard about this upcoming event almost from the start. I have some friends coming in from NS who introduced me to geocaching and can hardly wait to get together again. My Pathtag for the event has been sent to production and I should receive it in the next couple of weeks. I plan to drop one in each cache I find and should have a few extras for trade.

  • Time’s a ticking, it’s amazing we’re getting close to mid April already and only just over a month left for prebooking

  • I guess I should have asked permission, but anyhow, I posted the following at the QC caching forum

    MA et moi avons souvent fait du caching au Québec. Nous avons assisté à un nombre d’event (incluant le MEGA) et avons trouvé plus de 2000 caches au Québec. Nous conduisons de Shédiac NB à Gatineau, une ou deux fois par année pour visiter notre fille et sa famille. À cause du caching le voyage peut prendre un nombre de jours (3 semaines en 2010).

    Cette année nous seront au MEGA du Québec au mois d’août. Mais avant, nous seront au 2ième Mega des Maritimes qui aura lieu à Fredericton au Nouveau Brunswick au mois de juillet.

    Nous faisons beaucoup de caching dans cette région. Il y a plus 1000 caches dans les 10 kms du lieu du MEGA. Il y a un grand nombre de series de caches sur les sentiers de la région. Voici une carte avec les caches.

    Il faut mentioner aussi que beacoup de québécois viennent faire du caching dans la region de Shédiac chaque été. (Il y en a même qui sont venu participé à notre event l’hiver sur l’ile de Shédiac). Si vous venez pour notre cache chez nous, SVP venez nous saluer.


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