NOTE: Cache Up NB has ceased operations as of October 1st, 2022. All content on this site remains for archive purposes only.


Honest Muggles

Today I was at work, I do that occassionally, and a co-worker came to me and asked if we still Geocached. When I replied, “you bet”, she told me the following.

Her husband and daughter in law were out for a walk. She had recently came home from England for a visit and she and her father went to Midway, where she had grown up. They rambled along through the woods where they had walked many times when she was a little girl. They came across a container hanging in a tree. What the heck is that? Why is it there? and Who would have done it? They looked inside and had a laugh over the contents and immediately decided to take it home to show the rest of the family.

They read the enclosed cache sheet and researched the web site named on it. They Googled Geocaching and thought it sounded like fun. Then they asked my co-worker if she had ever heard of it and she replies “yes, M&G do it all the time, they are always going someplace to find those”. So, a quick trip back to Midway, looking for the exact tree, and returning the cache to it’s hiding spot.

We have another cache that a “muggle” had retreived from it’s hiding spot in a maple tree. He thought it cleverly disguised and  took it  home to call his nephew in Ont,  he knew  was a cacher.  He wanted to tell him what he had found and what it was cammoed as. A look out his window and he sees Scouter Kevin sitting on a near by bench, intently looking at the tree. Again, a cache is quickly returned, nearly scaring Kevin off the bench when he asks from behind, “Is this what you’re looking for?”

I can tell more stories of muggles finding caches and returning them to their hiding spot, people who do not know geocaching, just people being honest.


chignecto duo

Hmm, married with one adult daughter, 1 son in law, 2 granddaughters and 2 cats. We enjoy spending time at the beach, motorcycling and travelling , of course, we fit caching in when ever we can. One of us is a Maintenance Supervisor at the Hopewell Rocks and one of us is a Foot Care Nurse.

One thought on “Honest Muggles

  • Yep I have a few similar stories one of which involved CD.

    We also have a story from around Victoriaville in QC. We were on a farm road staring at a hydro pole and thinking of dismantling a little green box belonging to the telephone company. A truck stopped and the farmer from the neighbouring farm wanted to know if we had any luck. He then got out of his truck and pulled a metal plug out of the pole. There was a bison attached to it.

    He had no idea about GPS or geocaching but had seen somebody at the pole some time before and went to investigate after the person left. He said he was thinking of placing his phone number on the pole in case people needed help

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