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What is the ”driest” portion of the Dobson at this time of year?

I feel like doing a 10-15km day hike by myself on the dobson. Which section should I do?

I was thinking about starting at The SandHill side trail GC18HB5 up to the trail head in Riverview, but Paul&stacey GC18KK1’s description makes me think that there will be too much water and I should look for another section at this time.

Also, on the map, near this same GC18kk1 cache, there seem to be a lake. Would this be a lake where there can be small fish or just a bog water hole?

I need to get this Dobson Trail book, where can I find one?

Which portion would you recommend or would this one be just fine? Tks

That’s a lot of questions, thus why I posted it like this instead of just in the ”Scribbles”. Tks



We are Nemodidi, Nemo and Didi.

19 thoughts on “What is the ”driest” portion of the Dobson at this time of year?

  • You DO NOT want to do that section right now, it is a huge bog and you will sink up to your knees in black mud. I have the book and we can discuss this. I would do a section closer to Fundy, it is higher and drier. The lower sections, this side of Berryton, is gonna be wet for a little while still and would be better in the fall.

  • Our favorite section is from Prosser brook road to Berryton. It is 8 kms mostly downhill and should be pretty dry this time of year. It is best done with two cars, one at each end.

    • When Zonker and I did that section we left his Jeep at the end in Berrtyton and drove up to Prosser Brook Rd in my truck. When We got out to Zonker’s Jeep he looked at me and said “I left my keys in your truck so I wouldn’t lose them.” and I remember him telling me that as we were leaving….lol No Cell phone service there so we had to walk to about 4 houses before someone was home and called my wife to come get us.

  • Tks guys! And Rev reading your story, I WILL NEVER go hike with you and Zonker alone! LOL.

    So Pa/Rev, I could leave my truck down by Berryton, and get dropped off by my wife or her mom at GC1EKZ4 (What in blue blazes) and start my hike there. That I know the spot, this is actually where we ended our hike last fall with the bunch.

    Now, should the end where I will leave my truck be at GC1GK6W (Guarding the dobson trail) on the 910, or at GC1H5MK (Old broken stump on the dobson) a bit further on Smith road? Main concern is that at GC1H5MK on Smith road is that still a paved road or decent enough that my wife or mother in law would not get stuck in their low car? I guess I could always figure that out once there as it may only be a couple of km more, perhaps not event that.

    Tks guys. I might make a video, but perhaps a bit more serious this time, not anything weird.

    I ended up with a whole lot on my plate lately so I might only be able to hike that around mid-may or something.

  • Nemo, I haven’t done that stretch either so I’d be more than up to going with you.

  • I am not sure when I’ll do this one as I am a bit busy lately but I have this urge of heading out in the woods as I haven’t been in a long time, so I am looking into where I could go.
    I loved when we went out the 10 or 15 geocachers (I can’t remember how many we were), but I was looking at doing a solo one, just this time. I am not a church going guy, but when I need to recharge the battery, I either spend a day fishing in one of the Pokemouche River stream or go out to hike in the woods (or sit down on a log beside Nemo’s stream with a glass of Scotch).
    NOW, Zor & Zonker and whoever would want to join, we can certainly look at organizing another group hike sometime. I would not mind one bit of re-doing this part even if I got all the caches. In fact, I can very easily skip every other cache if one of you or more want to come back at a later time (I might end up doing that anyway). We could also look at hiking another portion. I am in for anything.
    Zor, I am not letting you down, we can always pick up either another portion or the same one for another day. And Rev, I am still looking forward for that canoe run. Now I feel all bad that I just want to go for this little run by myself LOL.

    • I think we should let go by himself as he will probably end up naked after burning his clothes to make lunch on day number 5. Plus who wants to follow him after the “excitement” of finding the caches.

  • I did a little bit of the Dobson this side of Tower Road and 4k on the other side of Levy Road this winter.With all the deep power snow we had it was really hard going on snowshoes.I did about 4k that starts at the Fundy park boundry last summer.Plan on doing most,if not all the rest this summer and fall.
    I know what you mean Neno about being out in the woods alone.Brings a certain inner peace.Just try to keep your clothes on this time.

  • No offense taken Nemo. I did from the trailhead to the Sandhill side trail by myself and it was nice. Sometimes going for the long hike along is nice because you can move as fast or as slow as you want and you don’t necessarily need to worry about whether you are going too fast/slow for someone else. I’ll likely just pick a Saturday or Sunday and just go and do it myself anyway whether others want to go or not. I’d really like to get the whole thing finished before the end of this year.

  • avatar TheRetiredHiker

    I did all of the trail last fall. Start at the windmills and head north.

  • I want to do the part of the Dobson Trail between Levy Road and Smith Road. There are 26 caches (or thereabouts) between GC1CPFT and GC1H5Q4. I think that leg is about 7.5 kms. Anyone interestd in setting up a time to do it?

  • I’d love to do a stretch, but I can’t do it until after the Fundy event. After that, I’m golden. More golden than usual, even.

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