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CachesGeocaching Events

Would you sign your wedding guest book?

Tonight I was disappointed I could not go to PaulandStacey’s event. I was upstairs making toasts and Cheese Whiz before watching PVR’d America’s Got talent and I started to talk about possibly making and event, my very first: Nemo wants a waffle. Then I asked Nemodidi’s wiser half: What’s your thoughts on logging your own events as a “find” or I should say as “attended”, giving you a smiley. In her usual sexy way she looked at me right in the eye and said: “Hey Baby, I …”…..

Oooppppssss, that was in our other conversation!

So, she just looked at me normally and said: “Wha? Did you sign your guest book at our wedding?”

So I just got hit by a flash.

I would have logged my events as attended before this very conversation noooooo problem. I mean, I attended, right? So, if I attended, why would I not be able to log an “attended” log? BUT BUT BUT, I also attended my wedding, should I have signed the guest book?

From this point in time, because of my wiser half, I think I will not log my attendance in the events I will (or hopefully will one day) host.

So, did any of you log their wedding guest book?



We are Nemodidi, Nemo and Didi.

9 thoughts on “Would you sign your wedding guest book?

  • I can’t speak for anyone else, but I always log my own events. It’s always possible that you might not be at your own event so to me it seems fine to log an attended on an event you hosted if you were there. Weddings are not geocaches so I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. Similar yes in that they are events but I think caching is a bit different. I have heard of others who don’t log their own events and if that works for them, cool. For me, if I am at an event, whether it is my own or someone else’s, I would log it as attended because I was there.

    The assumption of course is that if you are the host you will be there. As I said, that isn’t always the case. With a wedding, the odds of you not showing up to your own wedding reception are pretty slim. Mind you maybe some would prefer to skip it 😉

  • I have never seen my wedding guest book so I don’t know. There is a difference with a geocaching event, just because you are the host doesn’t men you did not attend? The log is a record of attendance and if you didn’t log your attendance then the record would be wrong. Of course you attended you were the host, does that make you any less of a participant? I have a campfire event coming up next week and I will attend and will let the log show that I did, I earned the “smilie” just as much as you will, maybe more because I had to do the work of setting it up, so yes I will log my attendance. You statistics in Geocaching are just that, statistics and they represent what I have done, I want them to be as accurate as possible so if I went to an event, regardless of the host then I want that reflected in my stats. What about the people who pop into and event for 5 minutes and leave, they always log an attendance log, do they deserve it they didn’t stay for the full event?

  • Not the same at all. If there was a list of who was present or attended my wedding, I would be on it. If there was a guest list, I would not. Geocaching events don’t have guests, specific people aren’t invited, it’s an open gathering. I attend my event, I say “attended”.

  • You don’t sign your guest book at a wedding because your weren’t a guest. But you did attend the event.

    The WWFM that just happened, all the attendee’s got a special geocaching souvenir. But the host, in order to get the souvenir, had to log the event as attended. Your not a guest, but you did attend…

  • Just got hit by another flash. You guys are right: People would not be my guests but just attendees, and as I would be an attendee as well, I can log my events. WHOOHOO! IN your face Didi! LOL 🙂

  • If I hid a cache, i know what it is and where it is, so it makes no sense that I go and find it and/or log it.

    For an event however, it is only relevant that you attend. I guess the only anomally is that it counts as a hide and a find in the stats.

    Maybe i should have more events.

    • Yes PA,
      You SHOULD have more events. You live in one of the most beautiful areas of the province, it would be great to have more excuses to get out your way. Are there any good breakfast places or coffee joints nearby? It would be fun to get out to Shediac, meet up with some other cachers and do a trail or two…

  • While I agree that you are not a guest at your own wedding, we still signed our own guest book. Not as a guest, however – we wrote a nice sort of “thanks for coming” at the top of the front page for our guests to read. Just saying.

    As to caching, though: it makes no sense NOT to log an “attended” log on an event if you were there – regardless of who organized the event.

  • I might be in the minority here but I will not log my own events. If it did not go towards my numbers I would but since it does I’m not for padding my stats. It would be nice if they had a hosted option or something that did not go towards ones numbers… I do however log event that I attended that I did not organize. I also know that some geocachers won’t even do that because they feel it’s not a geocache and they want their numbers to be a true representation of found geocaches.

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