NOTE: Cache Up NB has ceased operations as of October 1st, 2022. All content on this site remains for archive purposes only.


Let’s get hiding!

Spring is here don’t you feel like exploring and looking for new places to hide a cache? I realize that not everybody has the interest or the time to hide a lot of caches but if “we” don’t get out there and hide it is going to get very boring quickly. The number of new caches hidden this winter is less than half than there was the past two winters!! I don’t have thousands of finds but I am running out of caches within 10 kms of my place. I mostly have puzzles and caches that are missing or need maintenance near me now. I have been trying to do my part and have hidden 6 this week, the Wherigo is a real pain in the butt I have been out to test it twice and tested it at home hundreds of times getting right and my biggest problem seems to be getting the right version active. Hopefully it will be fixed this weekend. I have also been archiving some and hoping that someone will move in and hide something but no luck, I re-used 2 of the spots myself.

The winter contest was great but I don’t think that many finished all 20 of the tasks, I would have liked to have seen more emphasis on hiding because it is great to get people finding different types but we need to keep hiding or it will die. Please don’t take this the wrong way, I liked the contest and tried but I think the combination of too much snow and not enough caches near me to complete many of the task made it hard to do. I think this type of contest favors newer Geocachers as they have more caches to use to complete the task. Perhaps next year we could incorporate some more hiding tasks like 20 finding task and 20 hiding task.

There is also the idea of “filling” your calendar with a find on every day of then year, I am trying to do that and am currently on a 25 day streak so if no one is hiding caches in Moncton it is going to be harder for me or anyone else trying to fill in the missing days. I don’t have the time or gas money to travel out of town to try and get caches everyday like most of you as well I’m sure at $1.25/liter, so let’s get out there and hide some caches for me too find!! We all love finding caches but remember someone had to go out and hide it for you to find it so let’s keep it fresh and put some more green boxes on my map to turn into smilies.

On a side note, speaking of smilies, 2 cachers went out and found about 6 of my caches and 6 of Ron568’s Pink Panther series today and logged all of them with just a smile, does that bug you as much as it does me?


Rev Slippery

Rev Slippery lives in Rivervierw NB and has been caching since 2007. I am a Husband, Father, Scout Leader and Leave No Trace trainer. I love the social aspect of caching, the events and group hike and trips are my favorite.

28 thoughts on “Let’s get hiding!

  • I agree with you Rev.
    After a cacher has found 100 caches they should at least hide 1
    to give back to the others that hid caches for them.
    A cacher should have at least 1 cache hidden for every 100 he has found.
    I would also love to see the winter hide contest back like 4 years ago where we challanged NS for the most winter hides.

  • I’ll be honest and say that the biggest reason I didn’t participate in this year’s contest as much as I would have liked to was all about the snow. There was just SO much snow that I really didn’t feel like dealing with it. I mean, I prefer snow over bitter cold but it was just a bit too much for me. Plus, when I cached out of town, I tended to forget about the contest and forgot to log a lot of entries. I’m sure I could have had another 5 or6 completed but simply forgot to log them.

    I also think that it varies by region. I suspect the folks from the Fredericton area probably did a lot more of the contest since that region still has a LOT of caches from last year’s contest. I’m not sure if people there wanted to go hide more.

    I know a lot of caches came out up north. Greybeast is a machine up there. Moncton’s been pretty slow but I’ve got at 20+ containers here ready to go anytime. I think we should do the mass hide we talked about last year Rev.

  • Here is my opinion and why I do not put a whole lot of cache in this area.

    I would love to be able to try to find a spot and hide a cache that is a bit different, but here is how it goes in an area that is almost cache saturated or at least that has a lot of caches: You find a nice spot; you check the map and there is no cache within 161m; you try to figure out what cool cache you could come up with that would be different; you go home and make a nice original container; you go to the hiding spot and make it fit; you submit the cache report…..Denied: there is an invisible cache already within 161m!!!!!

    I know I am repeating myself here, but this is what actually turns me off at trying to put out caches in the Greater Moncton area. I am NOT against puzzles (I have a couple of wherigos and I’ve just put out a night cache with his essentially the same as puzzle, a “?” cache. But unless Groundspeak comes up with a little side widget that would allow me to punch in a sets of coordinates, and where I would get a ‘’yep, good to go’’ or ‘’nop, there is a cache within 161m’’, I am not sure I want to spend 4-5 days to come up with a nice cache to be just turned down right after.

    Personally I do not think that their reasoning for not putting such a widget there makes any sense. If someone wants to sit down at the computer entering thousands of coordinates to narrow down the real coordinates of a puzzle, or even write some computer program that would do this, well be it! Let them have their fun! They found a way to get the coordinates,No?. How’s that any different than me going out with a cacher that solved a puzzle: I did not solve the puzzle, I got the coordinates from that cacher!

    I just find it very very hard to find a spot in this area to be able to put out a good cache. Perhaps some could argue that there are still plenty of spots, but I am not too fond about owning a bunch of lamp post skirt micros (although once again, lamp post micros have their ‘’raison d’être’’ when you bring the wife at the mall).

    Now, although I said all this, little nagging Nemo will try to do his best to hide a few more 😉

  • OK Slippery, stop your whining and put some miles on that truck of yours. I have numerous caches in the Sackville area that you have not found yet, including a new one this week… As we all know, people new to the sport snag the caches closest to their home coordinates first, and work out from there. I normally have to drive at least 50 Km to find caches now. I pity the folks with several thousand caches under their belt, they have to do some serious driving. I guess it shows how addicted, or dedicated you are to the sport. Just my 2 cents worth…..

  • Critter, I agree with you but I don’t have the time to go out of town very often and I am not dedicated enough to spend $20-$40 in gas every time I do go out so yes I am whining but my whining is a win for everyone. I am looking at finding one cache a day for the next year so I need some that are close to home. I have been looking east at Memramcook and Sackville for the days I can get away for a few hours with Nemodidi.

  • Your whining certainly worked, look, I went out the same day to hide a cache! And about Memramcook & Sackville I am in. Perhaps an afternoon next week? I ran into Pikpik this morning at the Dieppe Market and he said he’d be interested in going out with me one time, perhaps we can get in touch with him sometime and hop in his car ehehehehehe (unless he’s fine to sqeeze himself in the back of my dirty truck like poor Tetagoucher had to)

  • I understand what you are saying REv about the cost of gas, and I know you have done like us and cached with others to both save money and enjoy the company of other cachers. I also think it would be great to have some new caches in the Moncton area

    However, I also agree with Critter about caching out of town, and you dont have to go as far as Sackville. I dont think you have done Belladan’s caches at the new exit to the Scoudouc Industrial Park from hiway 15, or his 26 caches in the cashin round the block series which goes from Moncton towards Shediac on the Shediac Road and the Batemans Mills Road. I think you still have some to do in Shediac, and some of ours in Scoudouc and Cocagne.

  • I have done some of the cachin round the block with Zonker, I tend to leave those series of caches out of town to do with someone else, I want more individual caches to pick off around town when I have an hour or 2 to spare but I also wanted to get people thinking about hiding and archiving old worn out caches to make room for the new people (or old) to hide a quick cache that will be easy to maintain.

    I have a list of about 25-30 caches that I am saving to fill in my holes in the calendar and to continue my consecutive day streak. I have a group in the east end near work and some in the west end for days off. When I get more than 4 hours I will try to venture a little further away, I am kinda in the finding mood lately and will be going out of my comfort zone to get some now that the nicer weather is coming. I have found almost no caches in Shediac so that is high on my list, I haven’t even found the lobster cache yet.

  • OK sounds good. Bring log sheets with you. I think the Lobster cache needs a new one. Oh but if Dan reads this, he will likely do it.

  • I just hide 10 in the Grand Bay area outside saint john. I submitted the listings on Friday and they are not yet published. Seems to me, based on the 8 I placed before, that this is taking a little longer than normal. Anyone experiencing similar issues?

  • One in the cue since Friday as well. That must be a lot of work for one person if he/she gets to approve all caches for the maritimes!

  • I wonder if they could use some help? unless they get paid and would not want to share eheheh. But if they do this for free, I wonder how to join and help? I would love to get access to know where puzzle are LOL LOL. But joke aside, I would give a hand here and there.

  • Nemo, no chance of that happening, there are hundreds of other people who think they should be the reviewers and I don’t see them giving it up anytime soon. They are family and maybe they are actually busy with life for a few days, normally they get stuff done in good time. I have no complaints.

  • Oh, no complaints here either, I just though of that as helping, but I guess if everybody wants to help and becomes a reviewer, than that becomes a problem ehehehe. Darn, I won’t get to know where the puzzles are! 🙂

  • Sounds like whining to me! You are Canadian! We get winter every year! It snows and is cold! Wear warm clothes, ride your bike & suck it up!! LOL! Perhaps a rule for the Winter Challenge for ancient cachers, would be to allow you to visit a cache that you found 4 or 5 years ago! I do like the idea of paying it forward! For every 50 caches you have to place 1. Or some combo! But this 161m rule is a little thick when it comes to multi/staged caches. I don’t see how that makes a fiddlers’ difference where a stage is in relation to others as long as the final meets the criteria. I started a multi in early Feb that is still not published for this very reason. I have over 10 hours invested in this cache & it better get published soon or I’m jumping off the Princess Margaret Bridge! Seriously Groundspeak needs to hear from us!

    • Yup, I also think that a stage should have some allowances. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have no restriction but something much less than 161m.

  • The cache that I spent 6 hours constructing and placed to keep Slippery happy has been denied, again… 5 different locations, and each one has a damned multi or puzzle too close to the site I picked. Now I understand why no one wants to put a cache in the Moncton area, it ain’t worth the aggrevation. It is going to take a long while before I calm down enough to place any more caches.

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