NOTE: Cache Up NB has ceased operations as of October 1st, 2022. All content on this site remains for archive purposes only.


Oromocto Island Cow Patty Hunt

We posted this on our Facebook page but thought it might be of interest to some out-of-towners as well.
Team-Newfie-Trio and Cachescammer have just placed 13 caches on Oromocto Island, ranging from a 2.5 – 5 difficulty and all with a 5 terrain rating. (GC2YT8Q is one of them if you want to take a peek).

A bunch of us are going to head over Sunday morning, July 3rd, by canoe or kayak to nab these new caches. Anyone who wishes to join us is welcome! We’ll meet at 9:00 am either at the boat launch or the rental place, will announce which later but they’re both near the wharf so it shouldn’t be an issue.

Boat launch – N45 51.287 W066 28.417
Boat rental – N45 51.049 W066 28.818

The island is only accessible by boat. If you have your own, bring it. If you don’t they can be rented near the wharf from ECO-Logical Adventures. Rates are as follows (but may be less if we have some numbers, will check with owner and post group rates asap):

Double kayak or canoe: 45.00/half day, 60.00/full day
Single kayak: 30.00/half day, 50.00/full day

All rentals include PFDs, sound signalling device, paddles, bailing device and a 50ft floating throw line.

TNT figures it’ll be an all day hunt but who knows, we may be smarter and faster than he thinks we are!

Don’t forget to bring bugspray, mosquito nets, rubber boots, water and a lunch.

The grass on the island is about waste high and there are lots of thorns and thistles so wearing shorts is NOT advised. The island is also a grazing home for a herd of cows and some horses and they don’t poop ‘n scoop so be warned and don’t wear shoes you care about if you have no rubber boots.

If you think you may be interested please let us know so we have an idea of the numbers to give the rental place to get a better price.

Hope to see you there!



We're milosheart, also known as Gwen & Terry LeBlanc. We're from Fredericton and have been involved with geocaching since March 2008. When we started caching we each had our own accounts/names. He was Frogger57 and I was milosheart. milo is a nickname of Terry's (from a song he messed up the words to) and, well, I'm his heart (we're still on our honeymoon, 6 yrs on). He logged his first 19 caches then gave up. He loves to go caching, loves the driving, travelling, meeting fellow cachers, searching and finding but could care less about the logging, planning, numbers, etc. He doesn't know how to use the GPS and has no desire to learn, doesn't have a clue what GSAK is, nor care. I love him more for just going with me, blindly sometimes! LOL So we just continued on using my original account and became team milosheart. We cache here in Freddy Beach, Moncton (Terry's hometown), Saint John (my sister and fellow cacher, eebee, lives there) and just about anywhere else we go. Yes, we are addicted. Happily.

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